Instructor Bios |

Donald M. Cameron
Don Cameron
is a
partner of Ogilvy Renault in
Toronto, where he chairs
the Toronto intellectual property
group. Mr. Cameron has
extensive experience in
intellectual property
litigation before
the Ontario Court and the
Federal Court of
Canada. Mr. Cameron is
certified as a specialist in
intellectual property law
(patents, trade-marks and
copyright) and in civil
litigation. He is an
Adjunct Professor of Patent
and Trade Secrets Law
at the Faculty of Law of the
University of Toronto.
Robert L. Percival
Robert Percival -
Mr. Percival's
practice is devoted to
commercial transactions
involving information
technology and electronic
commerce. He has extensive
experience in advising
clients on a wide array of
commercial information
technology matters such as
technology outsourcing
projects, strategic
alliances and joint
ventures, technology
development, acquisition and
transfer, privacy issues
and Internet-based
e-commerce businesses. Mr.
Percival is actively
involved in
numerous legal and
technology industry
including his current
appointment as the Co-Chair
of the Canadian IT Law
Association’s Electronic
Commerce Committee. Prior to
entering the practice of
law, Mr. Percival was
employed in a business
capacity with Prime Computer
of Canada Limited and with
the Telecommunications
Business Group of Digital
Equipment of Canada Limited.
His information technology
and telecommunications
industry business experience
has uniquely equipped him
with significant industry
knowledge and understanding,
as well as a practical,
perspective and approach in
addressing the legal issues
surrounding information

Mark Edward Davis
Mark Davis
is a graduate of
UVic and an associate with
Heenan Blaikie in Toronto. Mr. Davis
practises in all areas of
intellectual property law,
with a focus on litigation.
He has worked with and
written on copyright,
trade-mark, domain name and
jurisdiction issues relating
to the Internet.